- Use the default ActiveRecord database store.
- Use the Capybara acceptance testing libraries with RSpec.
- Use Cucumber for integration testing with Capybara.
- Utilize Devise for authentication, automatically configured for your selected ORM.
- Allows you to set environment variables in a YAML file at config/env.yaml
- Provides basic Git setup for the Rails app and commits the initial repository.
- Utilize HAML for templating.
- Create Heroku application and instantly deploy.
- Add Hoptoad exception reporting to your application.
- Use Jammit to package your application's assets.
- Adds the latest jQuery and Rails UJS helpers for jQuery.
- Utilize Less CSS for CSS generation utilizing the "more" plugin for Rails.
- Use MongoDB with MongoMapper as your primary datastore.
- Utilize MongoHQ as the production data host for your application.
- Utilize MongoDB with Mongoid as the ORM.
- Adds MooTools and MooTools-compatible UJS helpers.
- A basic setup of OmniAuth with a SessionsController to handle the request and callback phases.
- Automatically create a symlink for Pow.
- Use the default Javascript libraries and helpers.
- Install RailsAdmin to manage data in your application
- Add Redis as a persistence engine to your application.
- Use RedisToGo hosting for this app's Redis.
- Use RightJS in place of Prototype for this application.
- Use RSpec for unit testing for this Rails app.
- Utilize SASS (through the HAML gem) for really awesome stylesheets!
- Utilize Sequel as the primary ORM for your application.
- A simple and straightforward settings solution that uses an ERB enabled YAML file and a singleton design pattern.
- Use Slim as the default templating engine.
- Utilize the default Rails test facilities.